
woman petting dog

Creative Ideas for Bonding With Your Pet

Your pet is more than just an animal that lives in your home; they are a part of your family and deserve to be treated accordingly. Bonding with your pet is crucial for building a strong relationship and ensuring their happiness, as well as having a good life together. Eagle Animal Hospital offers the best…

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woman cuddling dog

Why Is My Cat Not Eating?

As cat owners, we all know that our feline friends love to eat. However, there may be times when your cat refuses to eat their food, and this can be concerning for many pet owners. Not eating for an extended period of time can lead to several health complications for our furry companions. Eagle Animal…

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A Look at Thyroid Disease in Cats

Cats can develop a range of medical conditions, and one of the most common is thyroid disease. This condition affects the thyroid gland, which is located in the neck and helps regulate the body’s metabolism. Eagle Animal Hospital offers the best pet wellness services, including cat wellness exams and services. Learn more about thyroid disease…

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a little dog with one ear flopped up

The Importance of Taking Care of Your Pet’s Ears

Taking care of your pet’s ears is one of the most important responsibilities of pet ownership. Most people are aware of the need to keep their pets clean, but often forget about the ears. But neglecting ear care can lead to a range of problems, including infections and hearing loss. Eagle Animal Hospital is a…

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a bowl of wet pet food

When Your Pet May Need a Special Diet

Our pets, like us, have unique dietary needs throughout their lifespan. Nutritious food with proper vitamins and nutrients can support our pet’s overall health and ensure they live a happy and comfortable life. However, there are times when our pets may require a special diet to address specific health issues they may be experiencing. Here…

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vet and patient talking about puppy

What a Blood Panel Can Tell You About Your Pet

As a pet parent, it can be challenging to know when your beloved furry friends are sick or feeling under the weather. However, scheduling routine veterinary check-ups and blood panels for your pets can help you stay informed about your pet’s health and enable early detection of any underlying health issues they may have. Eagle…

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two dogs sniffing each other

The Importance of Socialization For Your Dog

As a dog owner, it’s essential to prioritize proper socialization for your furry companion. Socialization is defined as exposing your dog to different people, places, and things in a positive way to help develop their social skills and behaviors. By socializing your dog, you’ll not only enhance their trust and confidence, but you’ll also reduce…

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dog running in park

4 Common Signs Of Heart Disease In Dogs

Eagle Animal Hospital’s branches in Kansas City are committed to keeping your furry friend healthy and happy. One condition that we frequently diagnose and treat is heart disease in dogs. Like humans, they can develop various heart conditions that can affect their quality of life and even lead to death if left untreated. Early detection…

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black cat

Understanding the Dangers of Heartworm Disease in Dogs and Cats

As a responsible pet owner, it’s essential to understand the risks of heartworm disease in your furry friend. Heartworm disease is a severe and potentially fatal condition that affects both dogs and cats. It’s caused by a parasitic worm called Dirofilaria immitis, which is transmitted by mosquitoes. This parasite is relatively common in Kansas, and…

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Happy doggos

How To Prevent Heart Disease In Dogs

As a pet parent, you want your dog to live a long and healthy life. One way to achieve this is by preventing heart disease in your furry friend. Heart disease can affect dogs of all ages and breeds, but there are steps you can take to reduce the risk. Here are four tips from…

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