Eagle Animal Hospital

Understanding Long Bone Fractures In Pets
Long bone fractures primarily occur in the limbs of household dogs and cats and they can happen as a result of accidents, falls, or even during vigorous play. When a fracture occurs, it is essential to seek immediate veterinary services to avoid further complications and promote proper healing; this is the first step in getting the fracture repaired.

Benefits of Internal Fixation for Bone Fractures
Internal fixation is typically recommended for fractures of the long bones and pelvis, as well as fractures that involve joints. It is particularly beneficial for complex fractures that require precise alignment and immobilization.
But no matter your pet’s unique injury, our Eagle Animal Hospital pet wellness professionals will help alleviate pain, prevent further damage, and promote a faster and more successful recovery.

Post-Operative Care
Following surgery, diligent post-operative care is crucial for a successful recovery. Our veterinary team will provide you with comprehensive instructions on how to care for your pet at home. This may include proper wound care (including checking your pet’s bandages), administering prescribed medications, and creating a clean and comfortable environment for rest and recuperation.
It’s also important to prevent your pet from running, jumping, or playing before the bone has had a chance to fully recover. Once the internal fixation is in place, the bone begins its healing process and the implants provide a framework for new bone growth, allowing the fracture to fuse and regain its strength.