When Does Your Dog Need a Wellness Exam?

As a responsible dog owner, it is essential to prioritize your pet’s health and well-being. One of the best ways to ensure that your furry companion stays healthy is by scheduling regular wellness exams. At Eagle Animal Hospital, our dedicated veterinary team is committed to providing top-notch veterinary services and promoting the importance of pet wellness.

Infographic, Does Your Dog Need a Wellness Exam


Early Detection and Prevention

Regular wellness exams serve as a proactive approach to your dog’s healthcare. These comprehensive check-ups allow our veterinarians to detect any potential health issues before they develop into serious problems. By conducting a thorough physical examination, our veterinary team can evaluate your dog’s overall health, detect early signs of diseases, identify any abnormalities, and provide appropriate treatment or prevention strategies.

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Tailored Healthcare and Vaccinations

Just like humans, dogs have unique healthcare needs. During a wellness exam at our pet wellness center, our veterinarians will assess your dog’s specific requirements and create a tailored healthcare plan. This plan may include recommended vaccinations, parasite control measures, dental care, and other preventive measures.

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Early Detection of Age-related Issues

As dogs age, they become more susceptible to certain health conditions, such as arthritis, dental disease, obesity, and organ dysfunction. Wellness exams are particularly important for senior dogs as they help detect and manage age-related issues early on. By monitoring your dog’s weight, joint mobility, dental health, bloodwork, and organ function, our veterinarians can proactively address these concerns and recommend suitable treatment or management plans.

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Comprehensive Health Monitoring

A wellness exam provides a thorough assessment of your dog’s overall health. Our veterinary team will evaluate not only physical cues but also your dog’s behavior, diet, exercise routine, and lifestyle factors. Wellness exams provide an opportunity for you to discuss any concerns or questions you may have about your dog’s health with our experienced veterinarians.

Regular wellness exams at Eagle Animal Hospital are crucial for ensuring the optimal health and well-being of your dog. By scheduling these check-ups, you can detect health issues early, prevent the development of serious conditions, and customize your dog’s healthcare plan based on their specific needs. Give your beloved dog the best care possible by prioritizing wellness exams, and let us partner with you in their journey towards a long, happy, and healthy life.