Best Exotic Animals to Have As Pets

Exotic animals can make unique and fascinating pets for individuals seeking an unconventional pet ownership experience. However, owning an exotic pet comes with specific considerations and responsibilities. In this blog, we will explore some of the best exotic animals for pets, as recommended by our exotic animal vets at Eagle Animal Hospital. Schedule at our Tiffany Springs or Riverside animal hospital location today.

Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons are popular reptile pets known for their docile nature and stunning appearance. They have relatively easy care requirements, making them suitable for beginners. Bearded dragons thrive in a properly heated and spacious habitat, and their diet primarily consists of commercially available insects and leafy greens.

Corn Snakes

Corn snakes are widely regarded as one of the best snake species for beginner snake owners. They are relatively small, low-maintenance, and have a docile temperament. Corn snakes require a properly sized and secure enclosure, a diet consisting of appropriately sized rodents, and regulated heating to maintain their ideal temperature gradient.


Hamsters are small, adorable rodents that make great pets, especially for individuals with limited space. They are low maintenance and entertaining to watch. Provide them with an appropriate cage, a proper diet of high-quality hamster pellets, fresh fruits and vegetables, and plenty of opportunities for exercise on a secure wheel.


Turtles can be fascinating pets, but they require specific care to thrive. Different species have different care needs, so it’s essential to research and choose the right turtle for you. Provide them with a spacious tank or enclosure with UVB lighting, a basking area, and a clean water source for swimming. Their diet may consist of commercial turtle pellets, leafy greens, and occasionally live or frozen prey. Regular veterinary check-ups from our exotic animal vets in Kansas City are crucial to ensure their health and well-being.


If you are thinking about investing in an exotic animal for a pet, our expert exotic animal vets can help. We are here to help answer questions, as well as provide the care your new best friend needs. Call our exotic animal clinic in Kansas City to schedule today.

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