Is It Too Late For My Dog To Learn New Tricks?

You may have heard the saying, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” and at Eagle Animal Hospital in Kansas City, MO, we’re here to tell you that is not the case! Whether you’ve just adopted a senior pet or have had your dog for years, it is never too late to teach them new tricks and help them stay mentally and physically active. If you have any questions or concerns about your furry friend, feel free to contact us. Read on to learn more about how older dogs can learn new tricks and which tricks you can teach them.

4 dogs in a row

De-Bunking The Myth

Contrary to popular belief, teaching an old dog new tricks is never too late. While younger dogs may learn more quickly, older dogs have just as much capacity to pick up on new behaviors. They have the advantage of having more life experience and better comprehension of their environment. Teaching an old dog may take a bit more patience, but it is not an impossible task.

dog lying down looking at you

Older Dogs Have Better Attention Spans

Older dogs have better attention spans than younger ones, so they can focus longer and be more likely to remember what they’ve learned, making it easier for them to learn new tricks and commands. The longer you work with them on learning these new tricks, the more success you’ll likely see.

dog standing on two back legs

Tricks Your Dog Can Learn

No matter your pup’s age, there are plenty of tricks that they can learn! Some of the most popular tricks include sitting, lying down, rolling over, retrieving, staying, jumping, playing dead, giving a high five, shaking a paw, spinning, and even speaking! With patience, dedication, and a lot of motivation and treats, your pup can learn all these tricks in no time!

woman training her german shepherd

Tips For Teaching Your Older Dog New Tricks

When it comes to teaching your older pup new tricks, the key is to be patient and consistent. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Positive Reinforcement: Reward your pet with treats or verbal praise when they’ve done something correctly. Remember not to feed your pet too many treats when training them, as it can lead to weight gain and health problems.

Practice Daily: Make sure to practice often so your pup can learn and remember the trick.

Be Patient: Teaching any dog requires patience — young or old. Patience and consistency are key when training your dog.

At Eagle Animal Hospital in Kansas City, we believe it’s never too late for your pup to learn something new! Older dogs have better attention spans, so they can focus longer and are more likely to remember what they’ve learned. There are plenty of tricks your pup can learn, and with the right motivation, consistency, and positive reinforcement, your dog will be learning new tricks in no time. Contact us if you have any questions.