What a Blood Panel Can Tell You About Your Pet

As a pet parent, it can be challenging to know when your beloved furry friends are sick or feeling under the weather. However, scheduling routine veterinary check-ups and blood panels for your pets can help you stay informed about your pet’s health and enable early detection of any underlying health issues they may have. Eagle Animal Hospital offers superlative care for your pet, from pet wellness checks to emergency vet visits. We have three locations, including Liberty, Riverside, and Tiffany Springs. Learn about what a blood panel can tell you about your pet below, and contact us today!

a vet tech holding a cat while blood is drawn

What Is a Blood Panel?

A blood panel is a set of blood tests that veterinarians conduct to gauge a pet’s overall health. The tests measure elements such as organ function, blood sugar, white blood cells, and red blood cells. The blood panel helps to diagnose various diseases, both chronic and acute. Here are some things that a blood panel can tell us about our pets:

a vet tech listening to a cats heart

Organ Function

Blood panels examine organ function by measuring specific components of the blood, such as liver enzymes, which help identify damage to the liver. Additionally, kidney function can be evaluated by measuring creatinine levels.

a vet tech holding a cat

Anemia and Infections

Blood panels also examine the red blood cells for anemia and the white blood cells for potential infections. Anemia is a deficiency in red blood cells and can cause lethargy and fatigue in pets. White blood cells help fight infections, and a lower number of these cells can indicate an ongoing or past infection.

a vet tech holding a cat while blood is drawn

Diabetes and Glucose Levels

Diabetes can be detected through a blood panel, measuring glucose levels in the blood. High glucose levels can cause difficulty controlling other underlying conditions and can damage organs over time.


A blood panel is an essential tool in determining the overall health of our pets. Through its various tests and analyses, a blood panel can help detect early signs of diseases, infections, organ damage, and other health issues. Early detection allows for quicker and more efficient treatments, restricting the progression of the condition and ensuring a better outcome for your beloved pet. Therefore, it is essential to schedule regular veterinary check-ups for your pet and receive a blood panel to get a thorough understanding of your pet’s health.

As part of our dog and cat wellness exams, we often perform routine blood panels so that we can gauge the health and well-being of your pet. Additionally, it’s often one of the first diagnostic tests we perform to check your pet’s health and well-being when you bring in your dog or cat with a concern. Our animal hospital uses the latest technology in order to ensure your pet receives the best of care. To get started, call Eagle Animal Hospital and schedule a vet appointment at either our Liberty, Riverside, or Tiffany Springs location today!

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