Why Do Dogs And Cats Need CT Scans?

Have you ever wondered why your furry friend might need a CT scan? At Eagle Animal Hospital, we understand that the health and well-being of your pet are top priorities. That’s why we offer state-of-the-art diagnostic tools like CT scans to ensure that your furry friend receives the best possible care. Let’s dive in and talk about why this diagnostic tool is so important for treating our beloved pets.


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What Are CT Scans?

First and foremost, CT scans, or computed tomography scans, are a non-invasive way to get a detailed look at what’s going on inside your pet’s body. This can be incredibly helpful in diagnosing a variety of health issues, from fractures and tumors to respiratory and neurological problems.

vet looking at scans in front of ct scanner

How CT Scans Work

CT scans use X-rays and computer technology to create detailed images of the body. This allows veterinarians to see beyond the surface and get a closer look at the internal structures and organs. CT scans are especially useful for identifying smaller or more complex issues that may be difficult to detect with traditional X-rays or other diagnostic tools.

prepping dog for surgery

Useful To Plan Surgeries

CT scans are also a valuable tool for planning surgical procedures. By providing detailed images of the affected area, veterinarians can better plan and prepare for the surgery, reducing the risk of complications and improving the overall outcome.

vet petting dog

Quick And Easy

While CT scans may sound scary, they are actually a very safe and quick procedure. Your pet will need to be sedated for the scan to ensure they remain still and calm during the process, but the actual scan only takes a few minutes to complete.

If you have any concerns about your pet’s health or if you think they may benefit from a CT scan, don’t hesitate to contact Eagle Animal Hospital. Our team of experienced veterinarians and technicians is here to provide quality care for your beloved pet.

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